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[Mar 13 2015] Race Legal Imports Vs Domestics


Well-Known Member
This Friday March 13, Race Legal and Carmeats are hosting Imports Vs Domestics night. Ill be taking my '13 GT down there and making a few passes. This is supposed to be a fairly large event, they have 5 confirmed vendors and 9 confirmed car clubs showing up. Anyone else interested in coming out to represent Domestics or even just to hang out?

Heres the link:http://racelegal.com/


Well-Known Member
Im going to try to stick to the left track, that one is treated and is usually a little better. Just aiming to have a little fun and get some more practice anyway

frank s

at Play in San Diego, CA
It's on the schedule at the moment. "...and the creek don't rise".

Reaper: I suppose things could have canged, but my experience up to a year or so ago was the right lane was more hook-y.


Well-Known Member
As it turns out I have to work late tonight anyway. So if i show up at all it wont be till late tonight. Thats a big "if" though. The joys of the military work schedules.

frank s

at Play in San Diego, CA
Well, that was (kinda) fun: I made 12 passes and only came second in one, by 0.021 seconds, which was entirely my fault: his R/T was 0.059, mine was 0.083. That factors-in the "0.500 tree" as printed on the slip. I think he might have been sandbagging in his 400+-HP all-wheel-drive turbo-skittle, but I didn't stick around to find out what his other runs were like.

I had forgotten there are two strips in use there: the left one is supposedly for "slicks only", and is indeed much more groomed than the right one, which us real-street-tire folks use. I have in the past used the left, grippy side out of ignorance, and didn't record any data to remind me if the cars I had were faster or slower there. When I said the Right Lane was hooky-er, I meant the Right lane of the Right strip. I do have data from last night that will reveal something about this. When I get around to it.

I'm not at all certain that eleven-of-twelve "Wins" is something to brag about. Anticipating the expected non-sticky launches would result in lower performance with respect to Barona, I entered the 9.0-9.5 class, and under some circumstances that might have been a good choice: four of my twelve runs were in that range. (One of them had good trophy potential, I think.*) Five of my opponents were in that class; all the others were genuine and slow, or shameless sandbaggers.** I did win over one of those slick quarter-million-dollar Mercedes, and over a 2013/14 Mustang GT 5.0 coupe (on what appeared to be the driver's first run, ever).

With regard to the differences between Barona in the afternoon and Qualcomm in the evening, the ambient temperatures were pretty much the same: mid-eighties, I think. At Barona there were long intervals between runs, with engine off. At Qualcomm I just hot-lapped to get my runs in before the massive influx of racers thwarted my plans. Seven minutes between greens at Qualcomm, fifteen to thirty at Barona.

With no other changes to the car or my technique (such as it was),

at Barona: at Qualcomm: difference percent change

average R/T 0.151 0.129 - 0.022 - 14.5

average 60 ft 2.190 2.341 0.151 6.8

average MPH 83.097 82.41 0.687 0.8

average ET 8.862 8.992 0.13 1.4 ***

* I don't know if I have figured out the trophy-award scheme at RaceLegal. You never have to run against your competition, as near as I can tell. Just turn in your time slip and hope you are closest to the bottom limit of the class. In my case (the "4000") 9.0-9.5 class. If you are trophy-hungry enough you hang around until the award ceremony, get your trophy and your picture. Is that right? My first run was right at seven o'clock, and I was done at eight-thirty. Not likely I'll stick around until eleven, even on a day when the place was normally crowded. Last night was in the vernacular, "AWESOME": I left at eight-thirty, the parking lot was full and there were miles of cars in line to get on the stadium premises.

** Some of the cars I saw with Slower-Than-Me numbers were clearly either misclassified or purposely entered in a slower class. This means to me that the game is no longer how fast you can go, but how close you can get to your target number without breaking out. If anyone monitored this, I'd have broken-out eight of twelve times. As it was, one of my runs was 9.002. That does seem to have trophy potential, but isn't what I though drag racing was about.They also give a prize for quickest R/T: I had a 0.025, but it seems to me the winners are consistently 0.000 or 0.001. That is definitely something to shoot for.

*** I'm really out of my depth when it comes to mathematics, so forgive me if there are errors here.

Edit: just for information, the new automatic 5.0 convertible is just a little faster than the previous 2008 GT/CS automatic convertible.

60 Ft. 2.240 2009-08-07
MPH 81.23 2010-07-30
ET 9.165 2010-07-30

New car:
2.285 83.33 8.956 on the same track, last night.

Lost on the 60 ft, couple MPH gained, couple tenths improvement on ET. Shoulda kept the old one.
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frank s

at Play in San Diego, CA
Getting a round tuit:

60 ft MPH ET

Right lane avg 2.336 82.02 8.986
Left lane avg 2.346 82.80 8.998

Looks as if there is no significant difference between lanes. Run order was

frank s

at Play in San Diego, CA
@WS: It seemed a large portion of the world was intent on getting to the scene.

Also seems as if I'd have won the Super Street category if I'd turned in my slip for the 9.002 run. That would have made the Imports versus Domestics a tie, since RaceLegal declared the Imports winner with a 9 to 7 score. Too bad.

I really, really don't get the RaceLegal scoring system: looking at Fast Street, shown in the category list as "Fast Street, 9.50 to 9.99", I see a 9.036 as First Place. 9.505 gets second. What the heck?