really emilio locking out my profile cuz you dont want to pay me $200 for an engine i gave you over a year ago yes if you havent guessed this is vanqsh_dsg04 i thought you were a good person with a legit club and you and your entire club has shown me how distrusting yall can be. i cant believe this after everything i gave yall for the race car i coulda made WAY more than $350 for all that but to help out a club i barely knew i gave yall that and the only thing i asked yall to pay for was the short block and you told me that would be no problem you just didnt have the money at that moment i said fine trusting that you would pay me now here it is over a year later and i had to basically beg for you to give me $150 of the money owed like ive told you before im E-4 and i could have paid off a $350 debt by now i cant believe how you can just steal stuff from me and then lock out my profile so id stop asking you to pay me i know alot of the guys here are good guys became some really good friends ( ears, subzero, fitz... etc ) and i thought you were too but you have proven yourself as a thief to me i mean really $350 that i told you that you could pay back over time and now here it is over a YEAR later! Comeon' man! really! all i want is the money that is owed to me and you wont ever hear from me again. just pay your do's thats all i ask i tried to be nice about it but i cant anymore youve shown me that.