<p>Filed under: <a href="http://www.autoblog.com/category/aftermarket/" rel="tag">Aftermarket</a>, <a href="http://www.autoblog.com/category/coupes/" rel="tag">Coupe</a>, <a href="http://www.autoblog.com/category/sports/" rel="tag">Performance</a>, <a href="http://www.autoblog.com/category/government-legal/" rel="tag">Government/Legal</a>, <a href="http://www.autoblog.com/category/safety/" rel="tag">Safety</a>, <a href="http://www.autoblog.com/category/ford/" rel="tag">Ford</a></p><a href="http://www.autoblog.com/2010/10/20/tuner-wrecks-customers-ford-gt-situation-devolves-from-there/#continued"><img vspace="4" hspace="0" border="1" src="http://www.blogcdn.com/www.autoblog.com/media/2010/10/fordgt2.jpg" alt="" /></a><br />
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Anyone who's ever been hesitant to hand over their keys to another driver, or conversely to get behind the wheel of someone else's car - exotic or otherwise - will want to take note of the following story currently being played out on the internet's extensive web of car enthusiast forums.<br />
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The story revolves around a <a href="http://www.autoblog.com/make/ford">Ford</a> GT - one of the finest exotics ever produced by an American automaker - its customization, and its unfortunate demise. The car - in classic Gulf baby blue and orange heritage livery and outfitted with twin turbochargers - belongs to one Ray Hofman, who wanted to have some modifications carried out to make it more drivable in advance of a Ford GT rally event. Having struck out with other tuners, Ray turned to Bill Knobloch of <a href="http://www.discovery-automotive.com/">Discovery Automotive</a>, better known to forum members as Shadowman. Bill agreed to carry out the tuning Ray was looking for, handed over the keys, and from there things went downhill in more ways than one. Follow <a href="http://www.autoblog.com/2010/10/20/tuner-wrecks-customers-ford-gt-situation-devolves-from-there/#continued">the jump</a> to read on.<br />
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[Sources: <a href="http://www.bimmerboost.com/content.php-Discovery-Automotive-destroys-customer-s-car-along-with-what-was-left-of-their-reputation">Bimmerboost</a>, <a href="http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:aiFQVwz4mE0J:www.fordgtforum.com/forums/showthread.php%3F20353-Shadowman-s-Horrific-Accident+shadowman+ford+gt&cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us">Ford GT Forum</a>]<p><a href="http://www.autoblog.com/2010/10/20/tuner-wrecks-customers-ford-gt-situation-devolves-from-there/" rel="bookmark">Continue reading <em>Tuner wrecks customer's Ford GT, situation devolves from there</em></a></p><p style="padding:5px;background:#ddd;border:1px solid #ccc;clear:both;"><a href="http://www.autoblog.com/2010/10/20/tuner-wrecks-customers-ford-gt-situation-devolves-from-there/">Tuner wrecks customer's Ford GT, situation devolves from there</a> originally appeared on <a href="http://www.autoblog.com">Autoblog</a> on Wed, 20 Oct 2010 11:29:00 EST. Please see our <a href="http://www.weblogsinc.com/feed-terms/">terms for use of feeds</a>.</p><h6 style="clear: both; padding: 8px 0 0 0; height: 2px; font-size: 1px; border: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0;"></h6><a href="http://www.autoblog.com/2010/10/20/tuner-wrecks-customers-ford-gt-situation-devolves-from-there/" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent link to this entry">Permalink</a> | <a href="http://www.autoblog.com/forward/19681479/" title="Send this entry to a friend via email">Email this</a> | <a href="http://www.autoblog.com/2010/10/20/tuner-wrecks-customers-ford-gt-situation-devolves-from-there/#comments" title="View reader comments on this entry">Comments</a>
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Anyone who's ever been hesitant to hand over their keys to another driver, or conversely to get behind the wheel of someone else's car - exotic or otherwise - will want to take note of the following story currently being played out on the internet's extensive web of car enthusiast forums.<br />
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The story revolves around a <a href="http://www.autoblog.com/make/ford">Ford</a> GT - one of the finest exotics ever produced by an American automaker - its customization, and its unfortunate demise. The car - in classic Gulf baby blue and orange heritage livery and outfitted with twin turbochargers - belongs to one Ray Hofman, who wanted to have some modifications carried out to make it more drivable in advance of a Ford GT rally event. Having struck out with other tuners, Ray turned to Bill Knobloch of <a href="http://www.discovery-automotive.com/">Discovery Automotive</a>, better known to forum members as Shadowman. Bill agreed to carry out the tuning Ray was looking for, handed over the keys, and from there things went downhill in more ways than one. Follow <a href="http://www.autoblog.com/2010/10/20/tuner-wrecks-customers-ford-gt-situation-devolves-from-there/#continued">the jump</a> to read on.<br />
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[Sources: <a href="http://www.bimmerboost.com/content.php-Discovery-Automotive-destroys-customer-s-car-along-with-what-was-left-of-their-reputation">Bimmerboost</a>, <a href="http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:aiFQVwz4mE0J:www.fordgtforum.com/forums/showthread.php%3F20353-Shadowman-s-Horrific-Accident+shadowman+ford+gt&cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us">Ford GT Forum</a>]<p><a href="http://www.autoblog.com/2010/10/20/tuner-wrecks-customers-ford-gt-situation-devolves-from-there/" rel="bookmark">Continue reading <em>Tuner wrecks customer's Ford GT, situation devolves from there</em></a></p><p style="padding:5px;background:#ddd;border:1px solid #ccc;clear:both;"><a href="http://www.autoblog.com/2010/10/20/tuner-wrecks-customers-ford-gt-situation-devolves-from-there/">Tuner wrecks customer's Ford GT, situation devolves from there</a> originally appeared on <a href="http://www.autoblog.com">Autoblog</a> on Wed, 20 Oct 2010 11:29:00 EST. Please see our <a href="http://www.weblogsinc.com/feed-terms/">terms for use of feeds</a>.</p><h6 style="clear: both; padding: 8px 0 0 0; height: 2px; font-size: 1px; border: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0;"></h6><a href="http://www.autoblog.com/2010/10/20/tuner-wrecks-customers-ford-gt-situation-devolves-from-there/" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent link to this entry">Permalink</a> | <a href="http://www.autoblog.com/forward/19681479/" title="Send this entry to a friend via email">Email this</a> | <a href="http://www.autoblog.com/2010/10/20/tuner-wrecks-customers-ford-gt-situation-devolves-from-there/#comments" title="View reader comments on this entry">Comments</a>