OMG!!!! Somebody kill this thread and the one covering Ear's Slowbra. I've never seen so much time wasted on such craziness!!! :rofl:
true dat!!
hay boosted i heard you were thinkin of a dedicated drive on that beast!!!
i know its expensive. and honestly its a real pain in the ass to get the whole thing together. and there isnt alot of support for it........ but the goods comes in when you actually put it on the car. its guaranteed up to 34 psi. absolutely zero slip. guaranteed. and the guy was saying. that because it is set up the way it is. you dont have all the tention on the serpentine drive its all on the blower belt and since the blower belt is set up off the face of the motor. you will prty well never have to change your belt again!! unlike putting the blower inline with the serpentine drive which stresses the hell out of the beltand is very prone to slip at higher rpms.... and even lower rpms!
so with all that. contact house of boost and tgheyll hook you up. i talk to jeremy when i call. hell let you know what will be optimal for your specific application. be it a dedicated drive. or just a thicker belt or what have you.
Sounds good, but for now..the goal is getting it ready for MVTW! I'll be there....will you?
That's what I'm talking about. Boosted is stepping up to the plate and will be there to run his CAR!!!! Ear's...sounds like a call out to me. BOOSTED VS. THE SLOWBRA!!!
im down, if the ole girl is on the road
shouldnt be a problem if i get a few to work on her
ill be more than happy to race ya boosted! give me some motivation to get her nice and tuned up. well have to see how things work out. i only have a few more things but it seems any more that im at work more than in the garage!
thats what its all about!
but you have the advantage. your car is more likely to be running! lol!
we'll see! maybe we should put this in the call out thread! lol! so as of now we have what almost two and a half months exactly to be ready? that should do it.
Glad you found your problem.. Now that car is going to be a beast...
How come you guys didn't look there sooner? Is this thing hidden? I know nothing about Mod motors.
Well glad you finally found the issue. It's always nice to have solid evidence of the problem. I'll be expecting to see some 7 sec passes at Barona! opcorn: