Sounds like fun! If I am not underway I will go.
highly doubt he will be there
Here is the link to pay for the track days:
Chuckwall Valley Raceway Oct 16&17
Click on events, then click on the days you want. If you are just attending Sat, Oct 16th, enter Shelby1 as the discount code, for both days enter Shelby2 as the discount code. This will make it $100 per day. The sooner you register, the better. 2 weeks before the event, the price will go up $25 per day.
For Hotel reservations on Friday and Saturday nights where most of us will be staying, call Fantasy Springs Hotel and Casino at (760) 342-5000. They have a room rate for Friday and Saturday of $109 per night, use the code CVR2010 to get the discount.
This will be a very fun day for everyone. Passengers will be allowed, and no tow hooks or roll cages required.
Please post here when you have paid, for one day or two, and if you will be joining us at the hotel.
Confirmation from STAR Car Sports
David Land
The following are the details of your registration.
Registration Number: 91
Date Registered: Monday 20 September, 2010
Dates Selected
1 x October 16th Chuckwalla Valley Raceway = $150.00
Add Instruction for 2 Sessions: No Instruction
Sub-Total: $150.00
Discount Coupon: shelby1 : -$50.00
Total: $100.00
Did ya see this update on the Team Shelby Forum?
FrankS provided a link to it last week, but it has been a busy week!
This is a sweet opportunity! I have never done anything like this before, and I'm really looking forward to it.
Has anyone signed-up for this yet?
P.S. I'm signed-up for Saturday ->
where do you put the coupon code?
Register thru Oct. 9th
$150 1 day / $285 2 days
After Oct. 9th
$175 1 day / $330 2 days
On site registration
$200 1 day / $385 2 days