That is a good summary. I bailed out early taking the 78 back to Escondido. I was getting a little hungry and I knew the wife would be home soon.Such a great day!
It was my first time attending the RDVS, and at least 30 cars were there, including a pair of sweet 69' Fastback Mach's. I took a chance on the Patty Melt @ Fosters, and it was actually pretty good.
We left the RDVS a little early for our cruise out Hwy 94, in an attempt to beat traffic, but to no avail. We spent 90% of the trip stuck behind traffic (at least it seemed that way).
It was still a great run though. A gorgeous day, and a good route, we spent the better part of 4 hours cruising the back-country, and hitting all the stops.
Barrett Junction provided some Air Conditioned respite, along with some cold drinks. It was my first time stopping there, and it's a really kitschy cool little place (and of course, home of the famous Fish Fry, which could be an awesome event for the club sometime...).
From there we went out to Campo, and up Buckman Springs toward the 8, where a re-group was needed to let slow-pokes (me), and late comers, rejoin the party. It really was too stinkin' hot to be standing around out in the Sun for that long, and I've got the farmers tan to prove it.
Back on the road, we headed over to the Sunrise Highway, and a leisurely ride into Julian. Well, except for when Blue Boss had a Yellow Jacket fly into his chest, then drop into his crotch, forcing him to the side of the road near the Information Kiosk. Safely back on the road, we easily caught up to the lead group, thanks to traffic. Ugh.
A quick stop at the gas station in Julian, then a weird lap on the back streets, and a painful attempt at re-grouping before heading down to Santa Ysabel. This is a crazy busy town on the weekends, with the streets and shops simply packed with people.
Santa Ysabel brought a stop at the Julian Pie Company for snacks and a chat. The locals were restless however, as there was a fire burning nearby, and CalFire was out in mass to contain it ASAP. This parking lot was scary tight, and we really packed 'em in. I caught a glimpse of LadyGaga nearly lose it when another patron almost whacked her car while Eric was re-parking it. There were some other close calls (Albert, you don't even want to know...), and what was up with the BBQ hanging off the back of that Full-size van?!
Headed back into San Diego through Ramona, and down the 67, with folks taking their turn-off's to head, um, wherever they went... LOL. If there was a post-cruise meet up, I didn't get the memo
I know what you're probably thinking. Where are the pics!? That is a darn good question. Post 'em up!!!
Thanks everyone, I had a really great time!
Hey not sure wether it was posted but in the future would it be possible for someone to post the route on the site. I know that some of us have troubles with money and if its ganna be a very long cruise than knowing ahead of time wether we can afford it would be great. Other wise a lot of us will just have to skip out a lot of the time. Like I said if it was already posted I am really sorry just didnt see it lol!!! I would love to come check it out but my bills are ridiculous you know what I mean. If it is a small little cruise than by all means but if it is something like it was this weekend just would like to be warned!!!
You can't really plan these cruise right down to where stops going to be. Most of the time it all depends on where you are and where there is a place to stop. Its a spur of the moment thing. So, basically, each have to plan for themselves whether they can go the whole way or not go at all. Because it is very difficult and very time consuming to plan out where stops are going to be and pre-planning stops would take the flexibility of the cruise. Sometimes you run into places you don't see on a map and just a good place to stop and hangout. Just my opinion though.
Man wish i was there oh and Ken how did the bullet Handle? AWESOME right!
Great Day! Thanks Dave for the detailed summary.. We had a couple great runs in the clear and Kens Bullet set a hot pace! I think we will make this a monthly event, and yes there will be pie!
This is definitely a great route. Next time I need a black '68 Charger to chase!