Well-Known Member
oh my never would have thought that his would quote a rap tune LOL
Ok So I am able to pull the trailer but I need to know when and where. I will NOT however be able to stay at the hobby shop all day. I will have to come in to work around 4pm to wrap up some final things with my shop before the Wing inspection that starts on Monday. Let me know and also let Bobby know that I will have to use his ball and hitch.
I will be there at 11. Wife has yoga and then I have to drive up past fallbrook to pick up a complete interior and hope to god I can get it all to fit in a prius lol
That wasn't me Jack..Arse.. He was told, to unplug it after every run because it was constantly on without a switch.. Not my fault he had a hard on runing 9s at Barona..:rofl:
Yeah Orange it wasn't Emilio's fault. It was that damn Navy Elec. who seems to think he knows everything at times. " oh we will just wire it to this switch. Its easy I done this a hundred times. When you dont want the heater on you just pop the trunk and turn this off" Well 42$ later and a run down the street I got a refill. ( its easy I done that a hundred times) Yeah we have all heard that one before. Right guys!
I wouldn't be talking trash about track times either pres. I am not the one buying a new super charger to put on my car to race a guy with a eaton that came on his car. I think James should throw a whipple or K.B. on his car and stomp a mud hole in your ass and walk it dry! I can see the his point of view when he beats you how his car sits there will be no room for BS.
My blower upgrade is not to beat yosi, cause I can do it now... The upgrade is to get my 10.9 at Fontana...