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Race Legal Drag Racing


Everrett Wa. Soon to be St. Louis MO.
Racing is racing to me as long as your not going in circles not into that.. unless i was driving.

Sam not beating on my car anymore. I am waiting and saving money for FFW, super charger, cams, and headwork. Between now and FFW I am getting a new Driveshaft and new clutch so I can launch harder


Everrett Wa. Soon to be St. Louis MO.
Justnot my thing I dont like watching on TV ect unless they are crashing. Live would be cool though I guess. I think Nascar has its cool points though. IT came from people in south and midwest running from po po's ridgerunners or what ever they called themselves. ITs all from early hotroddrs taking there cars adding bigger moters, taking out weight ect to haul wiskey and moonshine good history i just dont like watching on TV


Everrett Wa. Soon to be St. Louis MO.
SC? I am confused... Supercharger? LOL If that is what your talking about it will be after 1st of year. I plan on doing head work, cams and S/c all at same time with the NOS still on car for the added wow


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I hear the Highway Patrol is hanging out just outside the entrance pulling people over and inspecting under the hoods for illegal mods.

Wow for once I am the only one that has NOTHING to worry about....



PM for Decals
I have mods and they're ALL legal! LOL

Legal=I paid for them and didn't receive "stolen property".


Well-Known Member
man, i wish i can go, my little one is teething and has a fever, so i will not be able to make it tonight. have fun guys and be safe.


PM for Decals
I'll go next week if those who asked me still want me to go but I think it's pretty stupid the way they have the fees set up. If you want to go and watch, it's $8. But if you go the DAY BEFORE and buy early, it's $5.

Going early to save $3 on your admission ticket and then spending $9 in gas....WTF?

Just drop the price to $5 and get it over with!

It's simple logical common-sense things like this that are overlooked that keep me away from such gatherings.

Oviously, the person who thought this up is the most recent born child of Sarah Palin.


PM for Decals
wikedcobra312 said:
man, i wish i can go, my little one is teething and has a fever, so i will not be able to make it tonight. have fun guys and be safe.

What? Are you NURSING or something?

Dry Moobies!


Well-Known Member
ya, playing mr mom, i am very glad to since i only get to see him on the weekends, he is sleeping now. why didnt you go mr gt400sc, hows the knees?


Tell the cops nothing!
Staff member
Board Member
get tickets on base. cheaper. my car is illegal cause i have two illegals working under the hood both germans


PM for Decals
Yeah, you get me on base and I'll buy tickets. The Q is halfway between me and the nearest military installation.

$8 is two gallons of gas!

Do they have food vendors at these things? What kind?
I can't go that long without caloric input! LOL

I didn't go tonight because I didn't think about it until 30 minutes before. I had already put the Stang away, covered it up and shut down for the night.

Next week!!!!