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WS Race Car


Everrett Wa. Soon to be St. Louis MO.
Nothing to help with Ethan. I went to Barona today and talked to them in the tower. They took our names off there Calendar.
Now no one get upset they assumed from our last event that we said we may have another around July so they posted it up. I told
them that as far as the club goes people have been asking questions about this event and we dont want out siders thinking we are putting
on a show when in fact we are not as of right now. They did say they would def like us to have another event and said to talk to the President
and see if we can throw something together soon for them. Sorry for any confusion. I just dont want a ton opf people showing up for a event thinking we
are having another M VS W and we dont show. Like it was posted I dont want to have to answer questions either because hopefully I will be out at the July
25th T&T if not the following T&T after I get some miles on new clutch.

PS I dont want to let the cat out of the back but I think members intrested in the race car should attend next meeting.


Everrett Wa. Soon to be St. Louis MO.
Hispony I understand your frustration. I talked to Emilio about this today . It wasnt his fault though. When I talked to
Barona they said basicaly if they dont have a event going on or what ever they dont have someone there on stand by to take
phone calls ect. I know sounded stupid to me to. I think they could at least forward them you know. Emilio made many
calls and sent emails to them to remove the event. Barona told me today they just got a e-mail so who knows. Taken car of though
now. Hopefully see you guys out there anyway.


DSG in the hisouse!
Staff member
Emilio i think of you as a good friend, but the question avoidance above tells me that we all chipped in and bought and built you a weekend warrior race car. i dont think that, that is the case but that is what it looks like. i havent been around much but i have my own reasons for that, for those of you that dont know i recently lost my father and have been having a real hard time dealing with the situation. what i think happened is you got a new car with some new mods and you are still curious what you can get the car to do. i think that your attention has gotten diverted from what we were trying to accomplish with the car. my understanding was to build this car, race this car, and slowly but surely eventually get this car to start paying for itself. we arent having any working parties for the car, detail parties, theres always something to be done. it doesnt matter how meticulous it is from rust spots in the floor boards, to cleaning the windshield. i say we start working on this car again or sell the motherf*cker.


Chula Vista, CA
Staff member
Wow, some of you guys are really way out in left field on this one... No need for anyone's help if I wanted to buy a weekend race car for myself, so if this is somes perception, please throw that ridiculous thought out the window.

Now, back to the important subject, the CLUB CAR is not on hiatus. Since everyone is NOT ONLY interested in drag racing, we have plans to form a WS Drag Race committe. Let me invite you guys back..:) This has already been discussed between board members, and when some of them come back from vacation, a meeting is planned to discuss the topic again, then propose to the rest of the club for those interested in being part of that committee.

This is all I have to say about this topic. until the WSRCC is formed.


Spring Valley, CA
Look people, get off Emilio's back about the race car. Sometimes things are not put on the forum for a reason and Emilio is not hiding or using the race car as his own personal weekend race car. Emilio in fact had to fork out almost $2000 last time to JBA to try to get the car ready for the Mustang vs The World. Unforturnately that didn't work out and there was no way to get the car out to the track because we did not have a trailer available. And it was not for not trying to find a trailer. Sorry, Emilio, I know you don't want the rest of the club you shell out the money to JBA, but I want to get it clear. And as to working on the race car, well, there has just not been time. Its call life. Emilio has been trying to find a place to live so he can get his kid into school, they start kindergarden this fall, so his time has been preoccupied by that. So cut him some slack. As soon as things calms down and we can get things reorganized, will proceed on with getting the race car prep. There are things in plan for the race car, but would not be appropriate to announce those plans on the forum until it is set. We all know what happens when things are announced and it doesn't work out so as soon as it is set, those plans will be put forth to everybody. So like Phil said, you wish to be involved, come to the meeting or join the WS Racing committee and have your voice heard.

I will be the first to tell you I'm probably one of the many that gives Emiliol a hard time about everything and yes, its very aggrevating when he don't reply or answer questions, but I think the guy sometime meant to answer but his mind goes all over the place and forget to come back to it. But in the meantime, just standby, many of us put money, time, sweat, and blood into this race car, so just be patient and wait. It will happen, but we will not put a car on the track until we know it is safe and ready to go. Just to clear somethings up, those times we put the car on the track, the car is not fully up to where its at. Everytime it goes out, we learn what else we need to do, so it was truely test and tune for the racecar. But the problem with the things needed to get this car to fully do what it needs, it takes money and time. And lately, there hasn't been much of both.


Everrett Wa. Soon to be St. Louis MO.
HMMM I thought I cleared this up, but I guess not.

I have a question or two for you guys. Since we are attacking our club president.
Which one of you have a trailer to pull the race car back and forth to the track? We dont have one
as of right now. Well I guess we could get a uhaul everytime we want to go somwhere right. Oh and my
next question is which on of you have a truck to pull the car back and forth. ( y-sam just bought one so that doesnt count)
Things are in the process of getting done. I suggest you bring all your ideas to the next meeting.

Come on guys/gals we all have familys. Take a step back and think about it. Emilio Cant run everything on his own. That
is why we need to form this race car board members or what ever. That way maybe can get some more people with
seat time so car can get to track more. People have stuff going on that is why they just cant drop everything. I dont
want to put anyones business out there but Emilio is very busy right now. He is in the middle of moving to a new house.
Trying to get his twins ready for school. Has his Navy life, and this forum to run. Everyone has things going on. This is not
a business. Its a great group of guys, gals, friends, and family.

I know people like to race. Trust me! I have been saving since the last WS VS. W for a new clutch, flywheel, and rebuild kit for
the rear end in my car. ( will be back on track soon) The thing is guys not everyone likes to race. Some people just like to show there
cars or cruise them to the events. Its summer time right now we have alot of events going on. Dont get up set cause the race car didnt make it out
to a event that is being put on right now. I personaly said this over and over. I don't like car shows. I go to hang out with all of you.
I think you have to be a good old boy to win those things or have tons of money which I dont. I like racing cause I think its fair. This weekend
they had the cops and rodders show. I went to show support for fellow WS members and shoot the **** for a bit. I ran out to Barona right
after though to see the rat rod event going on. Just have some patients. Teh car will be making it out to more events in the future. If you have
any ideas to make things better please bring the up at the next meeting.


Everrett Wa. Soon to be St. Louis MO.
Look people, get off Emilio's back about the race car. Sometimes things are not put on the forum for a reason and Emilio is not hiding or using the race car as his own personal weekend race car. Emilio in fact had to fork out almost $2000 last time to JBA to try to get the car ready for the Mustang vs The World. Unforturnately that didn't work out and there was no way to get the car out to the track because we did not have a trailer available. And it was not for not trying to find a trailer. Sorry, Emilio, I know you don't want the rest of the club you shell out the money to JBA, but I want to get it clear. And as to working on the race car, well, there has just not been time. Its call life. Emilio has been trying to find a place to live so he can get his kid into school, they start kindergarden this fall, so his time has been preoccupied by that. So cut him some slack. As soon as things calms down and we can get things reorganized, will proceed on with getting the race car prep. There are things in plan for the race car, but would not be appropriate to announce those plans on the forum until it is set. We all know what happens when things are announced and it doesn't work out so as soon as it is set, those plans will be put forth to everybody. So like Phil said, you wish to be involved, come to the meeting or join the WS Racing committee and have your voice heard.

I will be the first to tell you I'm probably one of the many that gives Emiliol a hard time about everything and yes, its very aggrevating when he don't reply or answer questions, but I think the guy sometime meant to answer but his mind goes all over the place and forget to come back to it. But in the meantime, just standby, many of us put money, time, sweat, and blood into this race car, so just be patient and wait. It will happen, but we will not put a car on the track until we know it is safe and ready to go. Just to clear somethings up, those times we put the car on the track, the car is not fully up to where its at. Everytime it goes out, we learn what else we need to do, so it was truely test and tune for the racecar. But the problem with the things needed to get this car to fully do what it needs, it takes money and time. And lately, there hasn't been much of both.

you must type faster than me. LOL Guess you are not getting ready for a party and have kids asking you to help with PS3 or daddy can i get a snack ect...
Damn everyday life. I wish it was all hot rods, drag races, and car shows.... :)


Spring Valley, CA
you must type faster than me. LOL Guess you are not getting ready for a party and have kids asking you to help with PS3 or daddy can i get a snack ect...
Damn everyday life. I wish it was all hot rods, drag races, and car shows.... :)

Yeah, I type pretty fast, had training. LOL! I'll see you at the adult portion of your party tonight.


did we not already have a wicked stangs race car team that was supposed to take care of these matters? whats the difference between that and this race car commitee? not that my opinion matters or anything, im 3000 miles away and will never again get to see the car, but i do look forward to seein vids of it smashing opponants at the track. lets just not forget that this is a CLUB car, for the WHOLE club. so the WHOLE club is responsible for making it happen.

just my .02


Chula Vista, CA
Staff member
did we not already have a wicked stangs race car team that was supposed to take care of these matters?
none was formed

whats the difference between that and this race car commitee?
no difference just need to start something

not that my opinion matters or anything, im 3000 miles away and will never again get to see the car, but i do look forward to seein vids of it smashing opponants at the track. Lets just not forget that this is a club car, for the whole club. So the whole club is responsible for making it happen.

Just my .02
you are correct and will see lots more videos soon


DSG in the hisouse!
Staff member
look i said in my first post that i only think that i myself have been dealing with things and i even called emilio yesterday and told him that i wasnt throwing him under the bus, our schedules usually dont match up, period. his pony knows this better then anyone, and i can see where that can get frusturating. look we do need to have more working parties or even some sort of fund raisers for the car. there is always some sort of weight reduction or cosmetic things we can do for the car. we even have a spare windsor block to build. theres always shlt to do. we all just need to come together and do it. i know i am probrably beating a dead horse at this point but it just seems like everyone lost interest, and busy with life. i know life happens, we all just should be patient with each other. i noticed that the activity has gone down a bit, and we should start getting our name back out there. did anyone hear about the crower cams car show this past weekend http://www.crower.com/misc/news/events/index.shtml ? i think we should have been apart of this too. things like this gets our name out there and who knows maybe we could have talked to them about a top end kit. look everything is there we just all have to come together and put the peices where they go. and again, what i said before was taken out of context, i never said we built emilio a weekend warrior, i said that it is what it looks like but i know that that wasnt the case. then i continued to say that he just got busy. so i appologize for the comment, we all need to stop being fukking kids and jump back in this thing like we started to do. i dont know about you guys but i finish what i start.


Spring Valley, CA
We've been going out and showing our names around. We've been attending car shows since May, almost every weekend we are in a car show since the show season started when summer started. Plus every Wednesday we are in El Cajon or Hooters. Yes, the chatroom had slowed down, but the activities haven't. There is something happening every weekend. I just want to correct that point.