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beat a gt500 today


PM for Decals
I will say this, and trust me, I am NOT defending this punk, but when he floored it in front of me and took off, it was pretty quick. Not supercharged or Nos + V8 quick, but pretty stout for a V6.

Look, a few of you (Gibs and Phil) brought up a good point. I have Wickedstangs decals on 3 sides of my car. Did this puke pick ME because of the stickers or did he not even notice them?

In either event....

I refuse to race on the street.
I refuse to embarrass this club (whenever I can control myself, LOL)
I refuse to be involved ina situation where I get pulled over at my age and the CHP sees OUR club name on the car.
I refuse to get into a situation that may embarrass my employer should the cops ask "Where do you work?"

Was I in a car and another car was driving FASTER than me today?

Yup! I guess that qualifies as a "win" in his mind.

Was I competing? Nope. That's a win in MY mind!

If my wife even thought I was screwing around racing with our dog in the car, I would be cut off from 5ex even more than Mav is! LOL

If this guy is so good, let him race Phil. Phil will hand this guy his ass AND his genitals all at once!


Well-Known Member
it is obvious that this sprxr or whatever his name is. is someone else on the site who made a fake name to push some people buttons.


PM for Decals
Well, he tried pushin' mine but I ain't playing with him, whoever he is.

If it IS someone else, then they have a car I've not seen on the site or at events and I didn't recognize him.


Well-Known Member
pvc pipe works just as good as intake. its not carb legal but it works. you just need a bigger tube to get air into your moter. yeah thtts the car, he isnt making it up, he did have a dog in his car. still we only took it up to 70. i thought you guys where racers why is everyone getting so butthurt? hey you will still sell me that nitrous right gt400sc? i will pm you now.


PM for Decals
Mav, PM'd you back

Puke, never got yours...do you know how to PM?

To answer your question in advance, NO, I will not sell my kit to you.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Global Moderator
you need to go away seriously......this is not a street racing club. It is a Mustang enthusiast site. Stop with the ebonics also, I can not understand part of your uneducated posts. PVC....seriously? Come on...if it were that easy alot of businesses would not be working out too well. You my friend are irrelevant to me and are retarded. I really hope your car is stolen and parted out so some worthy Mustang owner gets the parts on theirs!



Well-Known Member
Staff member
Global Moderator
GT400 sell it to him and let him try to race you then....you will beat him as he will probably hit the"GO" button when the light turns green and end up leaving his tranny and rearend on the ground......Another screwed 6er.....



PM for Decals
I could but I want it to go to someone that will get some use out of it instead of trying to sniff it and getting sulphur burns in their respitory system.....oh wait....

Hey sxr.....I WILL sell you this kit after all! LOL

But you will have to sign a release form absolving me of anything you do with it.


Leet WS Member
Damn, I cant beleive that this dude was trying to race GT400 in his v6 and claims that he beat him..... Wow. Why talk crap to people in your club anyhow??? Obviously he had to see the stickers.............


PM for Decals
I got a blurry ass photo on my cell phone but I can't download it. I'm trying to email it to myself....stand by.....


WS Posting God


Well-Known Member
if this little sh!t thinks he's that fast than i have a spot thats off public roads that he can run, hell, i'll pay for his gas like $6 is all he'll need. and when he's done getting hes little feelings hurt he can go home.

oh, GT400, hows your dog doing?


PM for Decals
Here, I got it! What a pain in the ass to get pics out of your freakin' cell phone!

Old men and technology!

Anyway, here's the jerk in his puke-orange sixer.



Spring Valley, CA
I doubt he knows what gt's stickers read, I doubt he can read.

And lets not claim him to be part of this club, our members have more class then this. We don't need his type have any connection with us.


Leet WS Member
He does look like he is ahead of you Tim. LOL!!! I know, im kidding, you obviously wernt racing cause you were taking a picture. I cant beleive that dude actually thought you were racing him. LMFAO!!!


Spring Valley, CA
Tim is taking picture with his phone and driving with one hand and the dog in the car, the dude barely in front of him. If Tim wanted to, the dude would have seen nothing but dust as he gets smoked. I commend you Tim for holding back.